It’s time to make your friends join the party!

Fancy a free month? Get 4 friends to successfully subscribe to jood lines using your promo code and enjoy 100% discount on your next monthly subscription.
Ready to get rewarded?
It’s super easy:
Sign up to jood Orange app, activate your line and go to Feed W Estafeed section to get your promo code.

Share your promo code with your friends and family via email, SMS, WhatsApp, or using any other social media accounts, so they can use it to subscribe to jood lines.

You and your friends will enjoy a 25% discount on your monthly subscription!

Using jood Orange app, you can track the number of friends who used your promo code and your rewards.

Feed W Estafeed conditions:
- Only jood lines users are eligible to benefit from this service.
- Each jood customer has a unique code that can be found inside the app.
- Your friend must use a valid promo code at the payment step while subscribing to jood lines and will get the discount instantly on the first month’s subscription fees.
- Your promo code can be used only up to 4 times during the subscription month (every 30 days).
- Your reward is a 25% discount on each friend who uses your promo code to subscribe to jood lines.
- You will get your reward when your friend completes the subscription and successfully activates the line.
- Your reward can reach up to 100% discount by completing 4 successful invitations.
- The promo code is valid as long as your line is active and it hasn’t been used fully (4 times).
- Once your promo code is used fully (4 times), you won't be able to share your promo code until you renew your subscription.
- You will be able to benefit from this discount when renewing your next month’s subscription.
- Terms and conditions apply
You can invite your friends by sharing your promo code with them. You can find your unique promo code inside the "Feed W Estafeed" tab at the bottom of the home screen menu.
For each friend, you will get a 25% discount on your monthly subscription. Your friend must successfully activate the line for you to get rewarded.
You must use your friend's promo code at the payment step while subscribing to jood lines through the app and will get the discount instantly on the first-month subscription fees.
You can keep track of your rewards and the number of friends who used your promo code in the Feed W Estafeed section.